Sharon Lo

Learning 2022 Notes: P04 Performance Consulting Fundamentals

Hi all,

Posting this update after a LONG 13-hour first day at the Learning 2022 Conference. While my brain is certainly fried, I really wanted to document and share my notes and takeaways from the sessions I attended. Plus, knowing myself, if I didn’t do this now I would be too overwhelmed to do it tomorrow. So here it goes!

P04 Performance Consulting Fundamentals

Speaker: Christopher Adams, Performance Change Strategies

My goals for the session:
  1. Learn the principles of performance consulting, so I can apply this process when meeting with business leaders at my organization.
  2. Be able to verbalize and have a language (framework/model) to describe the work we do as an internal consultant.
My takeaways:
  1. Do not take requests at face value. Dissect them into 4 types: Business Needs, Performance Needs,  Organizational Capability Needs, and Individual Capability Needs.
  2. Similarly, do not jump into solutions. Consult using the SHOULD-IS-CAUSE model.
  3. Not all requests will be strategic work. That is okay. Use the “Yes, And” method to build credibility and try again in the future.
  4. Picked up some good reframing questions. For example, “What have you observed that leads you to believe people will benefit from (the solution that has been mentioned)?” With this question, you reframe the conversation from solution to current performance.
  5. In the meeting with the client, recap, validate importance, and use the micro-yes.
  6. Cash in on the “I don’t know” response and help the client connect those thoughts.
  7. Pushing back (when appropriate) can build credibility.

If any of this peaks your interest, feel free to reach out! I am happy to have a knowledge share/discussion after the conference.